Amplifier: Miscellaneous
Capacitor: AC
Capacitor: Film
Capacitor: Multi Layer
Capacitor: Tantalum
Connector: Miscellaneous
Converter: AC-DC
Converter: Data
Converter: DC-DC
Driver: Display
Driver: LCD
Driver: LED
Driver: Lighting
Driver: Motor
Filter: Ceramic
Filter: EMI
Holder: Fuse
IC: Linear
IC: Miscellaneous
IC: Power Management
Inductor: Miscellaneous
Memory: Flash
Memory: FRAM
Memory: Miscellaneous
Memory: SRAM
Module: Camera
Module: Miscellaneous
Module: RF
Module: WiFi
Oscillator: Clock
Oscillator: Crystal
Oscillator: MEMs
Oscillator: Voltage Controlled
Resistor: Automotive
Resistor: Chip
Sensor: Accelerometer
Sensor: CMOS
Sensor: Hall Effect Current
Sensor: Miscellaneous
Sensor: Optical
Sensor: Position
Switch: Miscellaneous
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