WELCOME to HMT, India''s premier Public Sector conglomerate.
We are a Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of India engaged in the manufacture of engineering goods in diverse areas such as Machine Tools, Watches, Tractors, Printing Machinery, Die Casting and Plastic Processing Machinery, Metal Forming Presses etc.
We began in a small way in 1953 to meet a big commitment: `To build mother machines to build a modern industrial India''.
From a single Product, single Unit Company in the post independence era we emerged as a conglomerate by the turn of the twentieth century with
Several manufacturing bases spread over different states in India
A wide and diversified product range
Markets stretching across 38 countries around the world.
Our teams of engineers have created a brand equity that symbolizes:
Machine Tools to a manufacturer
Tractors to a farmer.
Watches to millions of people in India and abroad.
Over the years HMT received know-how and know-why from 36 collaborators from 12 countries who were leaders in their respective domains of business.
Our marketing and servicing network criss-cross the length and breadth of India feeling the pulse of the market and striving to create customer delight.
Our exports are channeled through wholly owned subsidiary viz., HMT (International) Ltd., with an agency network across the globe.
Our Corporate Head Quarters housed at Bangalore formulates strategic plans, policies and programmes and co-ordinates implementation across our various subsidiaries.
Hope you will find the information provided here interesting and useful.
Thank you for visiting our site.