Maurya Enterprises

Prabhat Puri, Maripur, (Near Buttler), Muzaffarpur, Bihar 842001

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Organisation Profile

Rs 5 mn
Maurya Enterprises is an ISI ISO registered company, operating from Muzaffarpur (Bihar, India). As a company, we embarked our journey in 2016. Working with diligence under the farsighted guidance of veterans, we have received the best service award 2016. Resources At Maurya Enterprises, we work hard to keep our resources up-to-date with modern technology and work methods. We have developed a large facility and parted it into different segments for the ease of trade operations. Besides, we facilitate regular training sessions to our workforce to keep them abreast with the industry trends and requirements. Why Us? Points that distinguish us from others include : Timeliness Tailored solutions Equitable prices Professional assistance Secure payment modes

Contact Details

Address: Prabhat Puri, Maripur, (Near Buttler), City: Muzaffarpur State: Bihar Pincode: 842001 Mobile Click Here To View Phone Number

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    Updated On: Aug 03, 2020
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    Updated By: EFY Team
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