We introduce ourselves as the Cosmotec group of companies, a group that has brought quality products to the ever growing Indian Electronic Industry. Powertec Supplies (I) Pvt. Ltd., Cosmos Media Products Pvt. Ltd. and Cosmotec Systems Pvt. Ltd are part of the Cosmotec Group. The group has Sales and Marketing presence in Noida, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, and Hyderabad.
The group is driven by a shared vision of creating a different and better kind of manufacturing and distribution business. Its corporate aim is to deliver the best product, best service and the best value in the industry.
For the past 31 years, the group has been committed to the long term corporate objective of progressively adding on new products for serving the Industrial, Defense, Railways and Telecom products. The products that we market find application in Telecom, Industrial Control and Automation, Defense, Avionics, Railways, Renewable energy and Data Communication.
The group is committed to providing customers with the most reliable products, whatever the application or need. The aim is to deliver the best product, best service and the best value in the industry. The group''s mantra is
Focus on customer satisfaction
Commitment to quality
To provide application based solutions